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Jill Worth

半岛真人赌城Digital Marketing Strategist at Rodon and an experienced marketer with a strong B2B background in manufacturing and publishing.半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Jill develops and manages digital and inbound marketing strategies for The Rodon Group, including The Rodon Blog, which focuses on American manufacturing, plastic injection molding, and STEM careers.
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Injection Molding vs.3D Printing


Both injection molding and 3D printing are additive manufacturing processes that create highly complex parts using near-identical product runs.Manufacturers can choose from a broad selection of plastics and thermoplastic materials to perform either process, but there are a few applications where injection molding or 3D printing is preferred.If you're choosing which technique to use for your organization, consider the following side-by-side comparison.

Read More 09 / 01 / 20

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗An Introduction to Plastic Injection Molding


Developed with designers, engineers, and purchasing specialists in mind, our completely revised and expanded eBook,半岛app体育怎么样好用吗An Introduction to Plastic Injection Molding半岛app体育怎么样好用吗provides a thorough understanding of plastic injection molding processes, presses, and costs.Our goal is to help our customers and followers become more knowledgeable about what goes into making a plastic part.

Read More 03 / 10 / 20

Top 5 Most Common Plastic Resins for Injection Molding


With hundreds of commodity and engineering resins available on today's market, thematerial selection process半岛app体育怎么样好用吗for plastic injection molding may seem daunting at first.

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Download Your Free Copy: Intro to Plastic Injection Molding

半岛真人赌城At The Rodon Group, we understand the unique benefits and properties offered by different types of plastics.To help you understand your options and which kind might be the best fit for your project, our team of experienced industry professionals have put together a concise infographic on the "Top 5 Most Common Plastic Resins for Injection Molding." :

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Read More 02 / 11 / 20

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Advancements in Plastic Injection Molding

Injection Molding Basics

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Advancements in plastic injection molding technology allow manufacturers greater flexibility and sophistication in part design.半岛真人赌城At The Rodon Group, we are continually incorporating the newest technologies to remain on the cutting-edge of molding techniques in all sectors.This commitment to growth and innovation has allowed us to continue providing the highest-quality products to our customers.

Read More 01 / 09 / 20

The Role of Colored Resins in the Molding Process


Colored plastics see broad usage every day in a vast range of applications and settings, but not many people understand how these hues are created and implemented.With the help ofPenn Color半岛真人赌城, a knowledgeable and experienced local colorant manufacturer who has a longstanding partnership with The Rodon Group, we have gathered information and insights into how the plastic products we know and use every day get their colors.

Read More 12 / 17 / 19

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Implementing Green Initiatives in the Plastic Injection Molding Industry


半岛真人赌城At The Rodon Group, we are dedicated to maintaining the health and vitality of the environment.We firmly believe that every business holds a societal obligation to implement green manufacturing initiatives aimed towards fosteringsustainabilityand minimizing the impact on the local community and environment.

Read More 10 / 17 / 19

How Your Business Will Benefit From a Turnkey Manufacturer


Turnkey manufacturing is a process where one company oversees all aspects of a project's production from beginning to end.They handle all project phases: starting with the initial design phase, and progressing to machining/tooling, then to quality assurance, and finally to the manufacturing, packing, and shipping stage of production.

Read More 07 / 17 / 19

15 Terms Everyone in the Injection Molding Industry Should Know


半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Plastic injection molding has a language all its own, and with hundreds of unique terms, it can be difficult to learn the language.To help, we put together a list of the 15 more commonly used terms to know when discussing半岛app体育怎么样好用吗, mold parts, machinery, materials, and problems.We hope you find this to be a useful resource.

Injection Molding Terms:


半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Resin is the raw material used to create the finished part in the plastic injection molding process.With hundreds of commodity and engineering resins available on today's market, thematerial selection process半岛app体育怎么样好用吗for plastic injection molding may seem daunting at first, so research your options carefully, and consult with an experienced plastic injection molder to help determine the ideal choice.

Read More 03 / 28 / 19

7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Injection Molding


半岛app体育怎么样好用吗is an extremely versatile method of producing plastic parts and has multiple advantages over other methods of plastic molding.Not only is the process simpler and more reliable than others methods, but it is also extremely efficient.Both of these are primary reasons why it has become a standard process in virtually every industry demanding high-volume components and parts.

半岛app体育怎么样好用吗After 62 plus years of experience in the industry, we have heard virtually every question a customer could ask. To help you make an informed decision on your plastic injection molding project, we've outlined some of the most common questions – and their answers from our previous blog articles– below.

Read More 01 / 31 / 19
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