• 半岛app体育怎么样好用吗Plastic Injection Molding of Window Hardware for Residential Use

    半岛app体育怎么样好用吗As a leading authority on plastic injection molding, at The Rodon Group we are accomplished problem-solvers.A major manufacturer of doors and windows approached us about supplying some residential window hardware that they were currently producing in-house.Nearing its end of life, their tooling was producing parts of diminished quality, and they were seeking a value-based solution for future production.

    We took the time up front to analyze the prints and samples in terms of each part's functionality and manufacturability.Using injection molding-specific design software, we re-engineered the parts to improve performance and reliability while also focusing on optimizing the molding process.We took into consideration aspects such as cycle times, material usage, and other process requirements to ensure products conformed to ISO and AAMA standards.

    Our re-design involved building new, multi-cavity molds to yield a high rate of conforming product at a lower overall cost.Production involved the use of four different materials - nylon, vinyl, polypropylene, and polycarbonate - specified based on the individual performance requirements of each part.Using shot sizes as small as 0.03 grams and as much as 20 grams, injection molding took place on one of several energy-efficient presses in the 46 to 233-ton range.Finished parts measured in size from 3/8-inches in diameter to 4-inches square and featured both glossy and textured finishes.

    Quality control involved first piece inspection as well as in-process and final inspections to ensure we upheld ± 0.005" tolerances and satisfied all other quality criteria.The ability of our experienced professionals to work with this customer provided them with a better hardware at reduced cost and added overall value to their residential window product line.

    半岛app体育怎么样好用吗To learn more about this project or our plastic injection molding capabilities, contact us directly.

  • High Volume Injection Molding

    半岛真人赌城At the Rodon Group, we are your strategic U.S.A.based partner for custom injection molded parts.We provide turnkey solutions for projects involving an annual volume of 1 million parts or greater.With our globally competitive pricing, we offer you the opportunity for leveraging the benefits associated with using a domestic manufacturer while avoiding the risks of offshore sourcing.

    Specializing in close-tolerance injection molding of small plastic parts, we provide a total concept solution from design and tooling to production, fulfillment, and packaging.The combined effort of our designers and toolmakers results in molds that ensure quality, precision tolerances, and optimized cycle times.We have the capacity to mold parts with complex geometries and variations in wall thickness.

    We have material specialists on staff to make recommendations from among more than 100 commodity, engineering, and specialty plastics, including FDA, RoHS, Reach and NSF certified resins and HACCP-compliant materials.By purchasing resins in railcar quantities and storing them on-site, we have access to favorable pricing and can jump-start production on a moment's notice.

    Our 117 fully automated presses are the heart of our operation.Ranging in size from 46 to 400 tons, they feature capacities from fractional to 43 oz.Hydraulic, hybrid, and all-electric technologies allow us to adapt production to the individual requirements of every application.Microprocessor-controls, self-diagnostics, and full-servo robotics allow us to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for maximum efficiency.

    Using a combination of on-line vision inspection systems, SPC charting, as well as in-lab test, measurement, and inspection equipment, we ensure tolerances, color, physical appearance, and mechanical characteristics match your specifications.We offer custom packaging, 3D printed prototypes, safety stocking programs, just-in-time delivery, and a number of other additional support services.

    半岛app体育怎么样好用吗For more detailed information about our high-volume plastic injection molding capabilities, contact us directly at 1-800-523-8792 or visit our website at半岛真人赌城m.dinghengshipin.com

  • Injection Molding of POP Point of Purchase Display Components

    Point-of-purchase display components require rugged construction in combination with an attractive appearance.半岛真人赌城At The Rodon Group, we injection molded a range of products, including items such as pegboard hooks, shelf dividers, and product stops for one of the leading companies in the point-of-purchase display industry.This project highlights our ability to provide value-added services in conjunction with close tolerance injection molding that equates to cost savings over the entire product lifecycle.

    Working with the customer supplied prints, we first focused our attention on mold design.Our goal, as always, was to construct molds that would lead to volume high quality while minimizing production costs.By paying detailed attention to aspects such as cavity dimensions, gate location, venting, cooling systems, and more, we achieved optimal cycle times while upholding tolerances as close as ± 0.005" across varying complexities in part geometry.One critical feature of these parts was a fine quality surface, so we leveraged the capability of our EDM equipment.This allowed us to create a very fine finish on the mold cavities to add clarity and quality to the surface of the finished part with no extra processing required.

    Production involved the use of various commodity and engineering grade resins in shot sizes from less that one gram all the way up to 35 grams.With part sizes measuring from from 5/8" square up to 3.5" in length x 19" in width, we used a variety of injection molding presses in the 46 to 233-ton range.Machine vision inspection right at the press, combined with a robust set of test and measurement processes, ensured we satisfied all of the quality requirements.

    半岛平台下截链接To learn more about this project or our high-volume injection molding capabilities, contact us directly.

  • Injection Molding of a Polystyrene Diagnostic Kit for a Medical Application

    半岛真人赌城With our insight into the specialized requirements of the medical industry, a manufacturer of diagnostic equipment approached The Rodon Group to injection mold a lateral flow in-vitro diagnostic test cartridge.As a valuable product in their diagnostic portfolio, this company manufactured the kits in large quantities for use around the globe.

    We built quality and cost effectiveness into the injection molding of this product in a number of ways.Material of construction was an FDA compliant, medium impact polystyrene.By accurately predicting the flow properties, shrinkage rate, and other material behaviors, we were able to optimize the mold design to achieve fast cycle times.We EDM finished the mold cavities to provide a fine quality surface on the finished part, and the smooth cavity interiors also facilitated easy releasing of parts from the mold.

    By taking advantage of the operational features of our 177-ton hybrid press, which combines the high-load injection capability of a hydraulic press with the high repeatability and energy efficiency of an electric press, we saved production costs while producing a high rate of conforming product.In addition, our automation capabilities enabled us to further reduce production costs by minimizing expensive manual labor.

    The cartridge featured overall dimensions of 5/16" x 7/8" x 3 3/4".Our precision-built mold, combined with microprocessor controlled processes, enabled us to consistently uphold ± 0.002" tolerances over a very long production run.Since our hybrid press is equipped with machine vision capabilities, we provided 100% parts inspection.

    半岛app体育怎么样好用吗As an ISO 9001:2008 certified provider of high volume injection molding services, our turnkey approach to plastic injection molding serves to improve the quality of plastic parts while reducing their overall cost profile.

    If you are interested in learning more about this project or our high-volume injection molding capabilities, contact us directly.

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